Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Campbell Promotes Fiscal Responsibility for Taxpayers

Another of Councilwoman Campbell’s efforts has been focused on a revisit of the current budget to reduce spending in response to the volatile financial times facing our taxpayers. The suggestion to go back and offer budget amendments to cut costs was advanced at the Goal Setting Session earlier this month and again at the work session held on October 20th.

“The response from the council majority has been less than supportive,” said Campbell, citing remarks that reducing spending in the current fiscal year is the job of the administration.

“To date, there has been no offer by the administration to revisit the budget in response to these tough economic times, either at the Goal Setting Session or since that time. The council has the authority to make budget amendments. If the administration doesn’t act upon the suggestion in the next few weeks then I believe that we (the council) owe it to our taxpayers to take a second look in order to see if there are areas where cutbacks can be made,” Campbell added.