Wednesday, June 18, 2008

New Figure on Attorney Funding Obtained

At the June 9 council meeting adopting the FY09 budget, in response to an inquiry by Councilwoman Terry Cohen, a list of "other attorney" payments was provided at the table showing a balance of approximately $1,500 in that account that would be eligible for transfer by the mayor to pay for the city attorney's services.

However, in an email from City Administrator John Pick, dated June 12, the council was given a corrected balance figure of $6,000 from Director of Internal Services Pam Oland. The reason for the revised balance came as the result of Ms. Oland's review of the bond counsel's May bill. Ms. Oland stated, "...fees related to the reallocation of the 1999 bond should actually go to the water and sewer fund...."

This indicates that funds are available to pay for responsibly managed city attorney services through the end of this fiscal year. We hope this information answers questions received from constituents.